Sunday, November 20, 2011

Op1 : Tape track dropped to sampler.

I dropped a tape track into the drum sampler by accident, and ended up messing around for a bit. The op1 really lets you play with music easily. Super fun.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Octatrack Tryout #2

Slowly learning more about the octatrack.
There is a lot of distortion in this one and be warned: it gets a little loud in the middle. I never knew how much millage you could get from the same set of samples.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Octatrack tryout.

Testing out the octatrack. The loops are taken from a track I had laid out on the op1.

I am still figuring out the work flow, but in this case, after assigning the loops to tracks, I used the scenes functionality to play out the track live instead of patterns.

The octratack has freed this tune from being locked up in the op1. Next time I will get into patterns and banks more.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Recorded op1 tracks on the 2880. Monomachine sequencing the Telemark. Machinedrum on drums. I didn't come up with a lead so I just scrambled around on the op1 keyboard sort of improve style.  Very heavy use of the compressor here, it sounds kind of interesting in headphones, horrible on little desk speakers.

- Streaming link for iOS devices -
Compressor by polyoptics