Friday, August 10, 2012


Lots of op1, feeding the Octatrack. I am using the same OT technique as on EarBrain, which I like a lot. I will compare the tracks later to see how similar they sound.

DeepRoots by polyoptics

Monday, August 6, 2012


More doom samples. Great talks on youtube from his interviews in Madrid.

noConsequence by polyoptics

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Different approach -- inspired from my soundcloud favs. Vocals nabbed from youtube rap battles.

HighEnergyStream by polyoptics

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012


More op1 and biscuit filtering. No external comp or MD this time.

MainMission by polyoptics

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Sci-fi hiphop, YEAH! Sampled from youtube clips.

FastNeutrons by polyoptics

Sunday, July 1, 2012


New set up test three. Now that other gear can be used in conjunction with the op1, I was able to try out a new midi controller app for the iPad : Beatsurfing.

Imho, its the best 'build a midi controller' app that has been made so far. It is designed in a way that is more conducive to working with a PC and software synths, however, there is still a lot that can be done in an all hardware setup like mine.

This video shows a template I have created. In this test of the app, I chose to try and keep it simple with focus on being musical rather than create a complex setup where I tend to lose the music along the way.

Saturday, June 30, 2012


First test of the Beatsurfing app.  While creating the template I lost a bit of the musical sense along the way. As such, the track turned out rather dark and distorted for my taste. Firts impressions are that this is a really great app.

 The right side of the template (that goes unused) contains what became the start of a a new template. I will try again with a more simple arrangement, with the new template.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


New setup test two. It lacks the extra elements that are more easily added while working on the op1alone. However the benefits of the compressor and more elaborate outboard fx are worthy editions.

Wormhole by polyoptics

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Took apart all my gear from my home studio and boxed it. Started with a clean desk after 1 year of using only the op1 and being unsure of how to integrate it into my setup.
I dont have the perfect workflow yet but I now have access to some key features that I thought were lacking from my op1 only work. Including a compressor with sidechain input, a post filter, midi connectivity (ipad too), and possibility to you outboard drums from the machine drum.

I rebuilt my setup as follows:
Op1 -> compressor -> Octractrack AB input
Machinedrum MainOut -> Octracktrack CD input
Machinedrum E out -> compressor sidechain
Machinedrum F out -> compressor gate
Octatrack out -> Biscuit Filter
Biscuit out -> 2880 looper.

Everything runs through a patch bay for routing, most commonly, the 2880 output can be routed to the op1 line-in for further track editing.

First test:

MetroNorth by polyoptics

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

sophisticatedfinishes - Teenage Engineering Op-1

Testing out some weathering painting techniques possibly for a model release at this years new york comic con. Beats are also weathered, straight from the op1.

earbrain - Teenage Engineering Op-1, Elektron Octatrack.

Geting back into the Octatrack again -- although the record length limit REALLY bothers me... it still has some really great functionality. Went a bit overboard, but that's half the fun!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

tallgrass - Teenage Engineering Op-1

reminds me of Toronto, those were the days...  well maybe, these are the days...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

vicodin - Teenage Engineering Op-1

Got a wisdom tooth pulled and was prescribed the great american drug : vicodin.

Friday, March 9, 2012

summer2011 - Teenage Engineering Op-1.

Something a tiny bit different -- surely the sounds of summer 2011.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

hapless - Teenage Engineering Op-1.

A little darker, not my personal fav, another op1 fiddles session gone from digi tape to the youtubes.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

radiationbomb - Op-1, and friends.

Number 8 in the series. Lots of warping, taking the tracks out of the op1 into the Denon and messing around. Loving this as a technique and will try to get better at it. Sample is from old sci-fi!

jumblerB - Op-1 and friends.

Bside of that last one, messing around more.

jumblerA - Op-1 and friends.

Playing the Rhodes through a bit crusher (OTO), good for fun, but I prefer the original sound of course! :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

powerdown - lyrics:MFDOOM VOMIT

Added the acapella of DOOM's VOMIT over my last track. I did some editing to get the fit to work -- had to add space ever 4 bars or so to keep the bmp matching as close as I could.

powerdown - Teenage Engineering Op-1

Got my Rhodes54 back!! They did a great job on the tuning and it sound fantastic. While it was gone I made this track, so its just the op1 alone here.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

murmuration - op1, rhodes, denon3700.

Finally got the Rhodes down to Manhattan for repair at the Analog Lab (not before recording some bits for this track!). It was great to see the shop, they have so much amazing stuff in there... Saw the farfisa organ I almost got and they had a sweet looking mellowtron too.

I also am testing out a denon3700 and trying to brush up on my terrible scratching technique. :) Only got a few nights in to practice, but it was a lot of fun.

a bit of a break from the 86bmp marathon I was on.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

overunder - Op-1, Rhodes

Fifth in the series, I am really have'n a blast with this. Put a switchup into the middle. Again, the keyboard is my broken Rhodes (repairing soon!) and the the rest is op1 - all is composed and edited strictly in the op1 and dumped to youtube etc.

Monday, January 16, 2012

clouds - Op1, Rhodes

I got hold of an old Rhodes54. I've been waiting about a month for it to come in and it finally arrived today!!  As suspected its in need of some TLC....  a couple of keys on the low end are pretty messed up and inside there are some tines out of alignment, but I went ahead and made a track with it anyway. The sound is great and its nice to have a  keyboard I can play with 2 hands! I will have a lot of fun learning to play on this thing. :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

viewport - Op1

3rd in the set, another practice of work flow and stuff. Feeling like i am pushing it a bit too much, and the first track of these was a better balance. Def still finding a line to draw on that...

Friday, January 13, 2012

afteryou - op1

Another messy track, just the way i like 'em. I think I went a bit too distorted on the bass. With the work flow I am using, its very easy to go too far. Live and learn....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Unclear : Op1

Working on a new style. It turned the closest so far to what I was trying to do. Getting things to sound mushed together was a lot harder than keeping it all separate, lots of layers and editing. I want to try and make more tracks like this and get the process under control.