Sunday, December 18, 2011

SimpleBeat - Op1, Octratrack.

Some loops from the Op1 mixed up on the Octatrack, and some very light fader action.

BeatChops - Op1 and Octatrack.

Slicing up a loop on the op1 and midi sequencing via Octatrack, sampling, and playing around a bit.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Op1 : Tape track dropped to sampler.

I dropped a tape track into the drum sampler by accident, and ended up messing around for a bit. The op1 really lets you play with music easily. Super fun.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Octatrack Tryout #2

Slowly learning more about the octatrack.
There is a lot of distortion in this one and be warned: it gets a little loud in the middle. I never knew how much millage you could get from the same set of samples.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Octatrack tryout.

Testing out the octatrack. The loops are taken from a track I had laid out on the op1.

I am still figuring out the work flow, but in this case, after assigning the loops to tracks, I used the scenes functionality to play out the track live instead of patterns.

The octratack has freed this tune from being locked up in the op1. Next time I will get into patterns and banks more.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Recorded op1 tracks on the 2880. Monomachine sequencing the Telemark. Machinedrum on drums. I didn't come up with a lead so I just scrambled around on the op1 keyboard sort of improve style.  Very heavy use of the compressor here, it sounds kind of interesting in headphones, horrible on little desk speakers.

- Streaming link for iOS devices -
Compressor by polyoptics

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Playing around more on the Op1. I don't play keyboard, so it was fun discovering this scale, which it seems is F-minor? Anyway, at least I am learning something over the course of time.

I'm just going to start calling these all AudioDoodles... I still love the op1, its awesome, nuff said.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Latest greatest, slow and hiphoppy, with some fun live play.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

FantasticleWorld - playing with the OP1

The Op-1 arrived a couple of days ago, I wanted to experiment a lot more, but I ended up getting caught making a track straight off the bat. Great fun! The voice was sampled from the internal radio.
Easily playable, intuitive, great interface, recording, looping, fm radio for sampling, super fun and addictive, amazing tech squeezed in (that's why its so heavy I guess).

Not so good:
No midi clock sync, crashes a _TON_ when doing tape edits (although it boots back up with no loss, just takes time and funks up the workflow), faint but audible high pitch noises.

I love it!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Polyoptics: audioDoodles - MachineDrum, MonoMachine.

A silly beat, playing around on the MachineDrum, backup on the MonoMachine.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Polyoptics: Workshop - Machinedrum Sampling Ipad

I got a Machinedrum a few days ago and had a great time with the realtime sampling. Wicked machine!
Also used: Ipad and a Kaoss pad off screen.
Apps: Polychord, SSquares.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Polyoptics: miniSet worksession - ESX, Monomachine, Telemark, Ipad, Kaoss pads.

2 tracks squished together. Not a very smooth transition, but good practice!
I made a midi layout for this track on the ipad to help control a bunch of stuff without having to swap my hands around so much.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Polyoptics: tenderVittles? - Monomachine, ESX, Kaoss Quad, Telemark.

Having fun with machines. Monomachine sequencing ESX and Telemark.
The sequence that goes through the Telemark at the beginning is also going through the ESX, they play the same, then the ESX part has grain shifting/delay FX applied. That process was new for me.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Polyoptics: Telemark Tryout 2 - Ipad, Telemark, Monomachine, Electribe ESX, Korg Kaoss Quad + MiniKP

Monomachine sequencing the Telemark via note input from Soundprisms on the Ipad. Chords input from Soundprisms are saved as multi-notes on the monomachine and used in the arpeggiator.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Polyoptics: Telemark Tryout - Telemark, Monomachine, Electribe ESX, Korg Quad, MiniKP

First night with the Telemark, good times! Its from AnalogueSolutions, a semi modular analogue synth. Sequenced from the Monomachine.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Softly soohting.. Ipad app providing background chords and harpish lead. Monomachine additions, Esx on drums.

- Streaming link for iOS devices -
Soother by polyoptics

Monday, April 4, 2011

Ipad apps for bass and chords. ESX on drums. Sampled a short MFDOOM line in the ESX. I don't sample very often because I don't like the workflow for it on the ESX. I guess I never got used to it, but once the samples are in, its pretty fun. I might have over used it a bit here. :)

- Streaming link for iOS devices -
Funny by polyoptics

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Getting better bass... seems like a lot of luck since I don't have the correct monitoring setup. This turned out well though. Monomachine with ESX on drums. Effects courtesy of my mixer.

- Streaming link for iOS devices -
Slowyvibes by polyoptics

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

More compressor gating. Also, I found out although the Monomachine is monophonic, you can input chords for note data. You can sequence other polyphonic gear with those. Or, if you use the monomachines arpeggiator,  you can play through the multi note triggers. I like.

- Streaming link for iOS devices -
ArpChords by polyoptics

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I got a cheap 2 input compressor.  I put the Kpro into the gate on the 2nd channel, so I can use the gate slider on the Kpro with a constant tone to gate the whole track. Fun stuff!!

- Streaming link for iOS devices -
GatingBlips by polyoptics

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sequencing the NordRack from the monomachine. Squiggly strange sounding lead.

- Streaming link for iOS devices -
SquiglyLead by polyoptics

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monomachine and Xoxbox. I plan to mod my xoxbox (appearance), i should post some pics of if before... very 8bit track. I like this sound from the Monomachine. I want to do more tracks like this.

- Streaming link for iOS devices -
8bitBang01 by polyoptics